This is a short version of the information booklet for boat tourists in the Telemark Canal which is handed out on arrival at the Skien lock. The Telemark Canal takes you from the coast and deep into the country, to the Dalen or Notodden. The canal system consists of eight lock systems, Skien, Løveid, Ulefoss, Eidsfoss, Vrangfoss, Lunde, Kjeldal and Hogga, with a total of 18 lock chambers. The Telemark Canal has a length of 105 km from Skien to Dalen and 80 km from Skien to Notodden, and with a total lift height of 72 meters. The largest lock facility is Vrangfoss, which has five lock chambers and a lift height of 23 meters. In the lower part of the canal from Skien to Norsjø and Notodden, are the lock installations Skien and Løveid. These lock systems are modernized so that the operation of the gates and hatches is hydraulic. The upper part, from Ulefoss to Dalen, has six lock systems. Where the gates and hatches are opened with hand force today the same as it was 130 years ago.
Opening hours and prices
Multiple locks have attendance of lock guards during 09.00 am and 06.00 pm, daily during the main season, which is from the end of June to mid-August. Outside the main season it is open Friday between 09.00 am and noon 12.00pm at Skien and Løveid lock. If you want to go through the lock during the regular opening hours, just meet up at the lock. It is important that attendance takes places well before the lock closes so there is enough time to go through. The prices vary with the size of the boat, see “opening hours and prices” tab for more information.
Maximum mast height and maximum dimensions for boats
By maximum mast height is meant the height from the top of the mast including antennas etc. and down to the water surface (measured at normal water level). There are opportunities for demisting the mast before Skien.
How long is it normal on a canal boat trip with your own boat?
A journey from Skien to Notodden and return is usually carried out in 3-4 days. On the trip from Skien to Dalen and return, most people spend at least one week. It is important not to put up too tight a schedule as waiting usually happens due to the traffic and the canal boats.
Contacting the locks
All our lock systems have VHF-connections. Use channel 9. When calling the phone numbers remember to add +47 before any Norwegian number.
Opening of bridges
Frednes bridge in Porsgrunn has a height of 13 meters. Contact the bridge guard in Porsgrunn on VHF channel 12 or by phone +47 35 93 16 08 for opening of the bridge.
Porsgrunn bridge has a height of 8 meters. Contact the bridge guard in Porsgrunn on VHF channel 12 or by phone +47 35 93 16 08 for opening of the bridge.
Please note that the bridges in Porsgrunn do not allow small boats during the times 07.00am – 09.00am and 03.00pm and 05.00pm on weekdays. Outside these times, they oper every half hour. There are no regulations in weekends.
Sundkilen swing bridge v / Kviteseid, height 4 m: Opened on signal to the watchman at the bridge during the hours at. 09.00am - 11.00am and kl. 04.00pm-06.00pm all days in the small boat season.
Canal water – a drinking water source
The entire canal and especially Norsjø is a source of drinking water for a large number of the population. It is therefore not allowed to empty septic acid/waste/rubbish in the water. Use the canal’s plant for septic emptying or empty the septic tank before entering the canal and use the toilets on land to the greatest extent possible. There are septic plants on Hjellebrygga in Skien (08.15 am - 5 pm), Ulefoss guest harbor, Kviteseid, Dalen and Akkerhaugen west.
Toilets and shower
There are toilets/showers on land along the canal, the following places: Hjellebrygga in Skien (see opening hours), Løveid, Ulefoss guest harbor, Vrangfoss locks, Lunde locks, Kjeldal locks, Hogga locks, Kviteseid pier, Lårdal pier, Dalen pier, Akkerhaugen Western pier, Akkerhaugen Eastern pier, Akkerhaugen Øre pier, Norsjø holiday facilities and Notodden Motorboat Association guest harbor. Toilets are located in the following natural harbors: Sandodden in the lower part of Norsjø, at the west side of Valøya in the middle of Norsjø, Kalvodde outdoor area in the upper part of Norsjø, Ottersnesodden west a little north of the lighthouse in the upper part of Norsjø and on Lauvvikøya top in Bandak.
Ulefoss guest harbor: Diesel and gasoline on the pier.
Norsjø holiday area: Fuel with automatic machine. Diesel and gasoline.
Dalen: Diesel pump on the pier, please note depth 1,50 meters. Gasoline is driven to the pier in jugs by phone +47 35 07 71 30 - +47 90 77 08 23 - +47 90 67 71 30.
We recommend filling the fuel tanks in Langesund, Stathelle Marina or Esso in Porsgrunn on the way towards the canal.
Boat sports map, marking of the sailing route, speed limit etc.
We recommend anyone traveling on a canal trip with their own boat to obtain the boat sport map for the canal. Digital maps are not yet available. The map is sold at Skien, Ulefoss and Hogga locks for NOK 600kr. In addition, the map is sold at the service office Skien municipality and Akkerhaugen boat association at Akkerhaugen western pier. The sailing trail is in the countercurrent direction market with white stakes on the starboard respectively, and with red stakes on the port side.
Where the stakes stand individually it is important to stay 3-5 meters away. Where the stakes stand as gates stay in the middle. Note that the stakes may come out of position. Navigation by the stakes must therefore also be compared to the map. All navigation must be in accordance with the maritime rules and be carried out at your own risk. Max speed in port facilities is 5 knots. Regardless, always pay attention to kayakers and moored boats along land.
It is easiest for “Morning birds” on the canal trip
The ferry boats have the advantage of the lock to keep up with the scheduled timetables. If you want to avoid waiting, it may make sense to start the trip when the locks open in the morning. In Vrangfoss four ferry boats will pass between 11am and 03pm in the main season. Due to this there might be a que.
Some boat tourists react to the order of the boats in the locks. It is not possible to pre-book the lock time as we initially follow the “first come first served principle” (sometimes the lock guard will change the order of the boats, this is to optimize the number of boats in the lock chambers.
Instructions for closing
- Follow the lock guards instructions
- Ensure good fenders in both sides of the boat before entering the lock. At Ulefoss and Hogga lock you can borrow fender planks to hang outside the fenders. Ask the lock guards for these.
- Keep low speed when driving in the lock
- Boats with dinghy should be in the back of the chamber.
- The lock guards will hang a rope to the bow and one to the stern of the boat. The rope must note be lashed several rounds around the railings and not to be knot
- Keep the rope tight, taking in the slack as the water rises. When shutting down, let go of the rope as the boat drops slowly.
- Switch off the engine as soon as the boat is in the lock chamber.
- Smoking and/or use of open flames on board in the lock chamber is prohibited.
- Everyone on board the boat should wear a life jacket when in the lock chamber.
- Boat owners who do not follow the instructions and cause damage on their own or others’ boats must expect to pay for the damage.